Neal Fisher is the founder and a principal of Fisher Partners Management Services, now called FPMS. He has successfully led the FPMS Consultancy Executive Search Practice for twenty five years.
The executive search assignments have been for President, General Managers, Vice presidents, and Directors of Engineering, Manufacturing, Sales, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources. Clients have been private and public companies with family owners, holding companies, partnerships, corporations, mergers or acquisitions and trade organizations.
Neal is a confidential advisor and consultant with each client. Engagements require extensive sourcing research and provide candidate selection criteria that “best fit” the company's organization and the developed position specification.
Prior to FPMS, Neal has held senior level Human Resource management positions with Northrop Corporation, Maxon Industries and General Electric. His career positions include: Professional Recruiting, Employee Relations, Executive Compensation, Organization and Management Development and Training in the states of New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, New York and California with assignments in Canada, Mexico, North Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
Neal holds a B.S. in Business from Syracuse University and is a graduate of the General Electric Employee Relations Management Course and the U.C.L.A. Graduate School of Management Executive program. He has periodically conducted seminars and training courses in international compensation, executive recruiting and related personnel subjects. He has been a member in local State Employment and Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committees in New York and California and a member of the American Compensation Association, the American Society for Personnel Administration, the American Society for Training and Development, the California Executive Recruiters Association and the National Association of Corporate and professional Recruiters.
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